YES! REALLY free sheet music!

Young Girl at Piano
Happy Birthday piano sheet music

Piano Music

A long page of links to music for your piano students.

Arranged by levels from Beginner to Year Three & After, and by categories from Christmas to Purim, to Valentine's Day!

Guitar tab sheet music "Boil'em Cabbage Down"

Guitar Tabs

Guitar music for beginners and beyond; mostly with standard notation treble clef above and guitar tablature beneath.  

Many styles of music to choose from; easy bluegrass to beginning classical!

Piano and vocal sheet music for opera aria "O mio babbino caro"

Vocal Music

A little bit of opera with standard as well as simplified arrangements, a lot of traditional and folk tunes, quite a bit of Christmas music and hymns, and many lead sheets. 

All in multiple keys to suit any voice!

Lead sheet music - melodies with chord symbols.

Lead Sheets

Lead sheets for all instruments and in many keys, to suit many ranges. 

Mostly treble clef and frequently with guitar tabs; a few sheets are also in bass clef, and a handful in viola clef. 

All with suggested chord symbols, and song lyrics!  These are great for accompanying your singers.

Scales and chords written onto sheet music for student exercises

Music Ed Tools

On the Music Resources page, you'll find many helps including:

Scales and chords diagrams in all 12 major and minor keys (& enharmonic keys as well),

Piano exercises,

Paper keyboards,

Beginner note-reading help pages, and theory and technique.

And more!

For guitar...'ll find blank tablature sheets, chords and also chord family fretboard sheets, both GIANT for beginners, and little.  

And for teachers of singing...

Voice teachers will find singing warm ups and vocalises to encourage correct sound production - as well as folk songs, classical vocal repertoire, and links to popular music.

Small boy pressing piano keys

Autism & Music

Many children with autism love music... but they can be a challenge to teach for a teacher who is not prepared.

Read about my own experiences and ideas, and what many other teachers have found to work in their own studios!

Why this music site?

The idea for my own free sheet music site started years ago, when I had trouble finding enough piano music I liked that my students and my own children liked too.

Sure, my favorite piano method books had some real gems scattered throughout the pages, but also pieces that kids would drag their way through, getting stuck in for a few weeks.

Then, it was always nice to have "extra" or "fun" music to coax them along through the tough times in their piano method books.

Of course there were lots of supplemental books I could buy... 

When music books aren't enough...

Sometimes I didn't want to ask parents to spend money on yet another book, when I felt pretty sure only two or three of the pieces in the collection would interest my particular student.

Or maybe only ONE.

Parents already paid a lot for lessons...  I needed a source for free sheet music!

It can be hard to match a student with the right arrangement

Or perhaps the composition I wanted wasn't available in my student's level...and even if it was, I wouldn't find out in time (think Christmas) because there was -- and still is -- no music store within a hundred miles of my town.

Or I might find the piano song they wanted, but the arrangement turned out to be... BORING.

Or there just wasn't any music to be found.

Sometimes my students needed lots more practice with the same set of notes, but we had run out of music. Or they were ready to boogie with the 12-bar blues, but they weren't ready to read any of the blues music that I could find.

If only free sheet music for kids was available. PRINTABLE sheet music. Printable PIANO music. But it wasn't!

So, like many of you, I began an on-going odyssey in search of music books with a high percentage of interesting pieces...

I found I enjoy arranging & setting music...

..I also began to write and arrange piano music for my students, and my own kids.

It wasn't exactly free sheet music then, not for me, anyway. Back then, it meant writing out music laboriously by hand on staff paper, then visiting the local copy center.

Nothing could be printed at home or at my studio, unfortunately!

Music notation software to the rescue!

BUT TODAY, WITH A COMPUTER and great music notation software, sheet music has become a pleasure to write up.


I had one young pianist whose favorite piece was Pachelbel's Canon in D.

I knew he would really go to town if he could attack the Canon, scale passages and all, arranged in the key of C at an appropriate level of difficulty for him... and that is just what happened.

SOME OF MY VOCAL STUDENTS LOVE OPERA, but have voices much too young and undeveloped to sing the songs in the original keys.

Like the beautiful central portion of the Flower Duet...

With my shorter and lower versions of some classical vocal music, they can still experience the beauty of great vocal music and grow familiar with the classical repertoire, though they are young. I can also offer them folk and ethnic music that might be impossible to find!

Guitar students weren't playing very fun stuff...

MY GUITAR STUDENTS NEED EXTRA MATERIAL - beautiful and fun music - to get them out of their one-size-fits-all guitar method books, trying different styles of playing, and learning how chords work.

And their understanding wasn't firm...

Plus, too many beginner guitar method books start with eighth notes, assuming students can already read music. I want all my students to have a firm foundation of basic counting, and not be guessing when it comes to eighth notes... so we wait awhile on those.

NO, I HAVEN'T THROWN OUT THE METHOD BOOKS. They form the backbone of my piano,violin, and guitar lessons.

And I buy supplemental books for my students, too.

More and more, there are terrific repertoire collections and solos available. Some of them can be previewed online to gauge their suitability for your pupils. I'd like to share my favorites with you.

Perhaps YOU are a teacher looking for additional music!

ARE YOU A FULL-TIME TEACHER, A STAY-AT-HOME PARENT making extra money by taking in pupils, or A COLLEGE STUDENT just getting started teaching?

Perhaps someone in the family has asked you to give their little girl or boy lessons, and you're not sure how to get started.

This site is aimed at teachers -- especially BEGINNING MUSIC TEACHERS -- and I want it to become a help in your teaching.

Almost all the music & exercises on this site are free

Though my printable sheet music is offered free, it is copyrighted and not for resale.

If you want to know when a new page has been added, subscribe to my RSS feed by clicking on the tiny RSS button opposite the title "Recent Articles," below, or subscribe to my monthly-ish newsletter, "Take Note."

Thanks for stopping by... please come back again soon to see what new free sheet music has been added!

Your website is a light in the darkness. THANK YOU for all you do in helping to spread the love of music. It matters!

Recent Articles

  1. Gospel Song Jesus Loves Me: Beginner & Easy Piano, Plus Lead Sheets!

    Song Jesus Loves Me
    Gospel song "Jesus Loves Me" is well-known to many children. Here are easy arrangements to learn the music & each word to Jesus Loves Me, for early piano.

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  2. Easy Piano Sheet Music Swan Lake -Beginners & Intermediate Pianists!

    Swan Lake easy piano music
    Easy piano sheet music Swan Lake, lovely solos & duets, with lyrics in the beginner arrangements for dreamy students who love imagining. New arrangements!

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  3. The Wellerman Sheet Music: Easy Piano & Lead Sheets!

    Guitar tabs for Wellerman
    The Wellerman: Tabs, sheet music & lyrics for piano, guitar, & more! Such a fun, high-energy song to sing & play - learn it fast with letters in the notes!

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  4. Christmas Carol Lyrics Song from the Bible: Free SATB and Guitar Tab

    Christmas story song
    Christmas carol lyrics from the Bible and an old-fashioned carol-like tune combine in this free Christmas song for SATB choir or a solo vocalist with guitar.

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  5. Traditional Irish Song "Galway Piper" with 3 Piano Arrangements!

    Irish song
    Traditional Irish songs tend to be either bouncy, or tender & sweet. Galway Piper falls into the bouncy, fun-to-play camp!

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Interested in songs from the Bible for your students or church?  Check out my other website,! clickable logo link

Songs Old & Songs New

All the first-year material I give my beginner students. 

Piano keyboard sheets, scales, chords, note-reading exercises, and over 256 pages of music!

The Story of Esther - a Bible opera!

Queen Esther in the Bible

This beautiful song book for piano & voice "Esther, For Such a Time as This",  available as a digital downloadtells the riveting story of the time when  Jews in ancient Persia faced a foe named Haman, and how a  brave young queen risked her life to save her people.

A good choice for a singing story-teller, an operatic group, a short theater production, or a class of children!

This book is also available from Amazon as a paperback.

Just the Black Keys, a piano song book for young beginners.

Just the Black Keys

This book is available as a digital download  from this site.  Visit this page to see some free examples from the book.

It is also available from Amazon as a paperback!

This is the perfect easy start for little pianists.

And when they start reading white-key notes on the staff, this is a fun easy resource to say each week, "Choose a new black-key song at home this week and figure it out to show me next lesson!"  They will be spending more time at the piano.

The Adventures of Tonsta, Volume 1, is a book about a young boy travelling over mountains and fjords from village to village, encountering trolls and helping folk in distress.

The Adventures of Tonsta

A perfect read aloud storybook
for little boys or girls. 

The Adventures of Tonsta highlight the travels of a very young boy with a good heart, who goes about helping folk in trouble.  

With a red cap on his head and a sack of tools slung over his shoulder, Tonsta seems to meet people in distress wherever he goes.

Lots of trolls in this book - including one who gives him a Christmas gift!

Available at Amazon

Comments: Do you have a story or a question about music teaching? Share it!

Please note that all comments are moderated, and will not appear until I have approved them. Also, IF YOU ARE ASKING FOR MUSIC THAT IS NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, YOUR REQUEST WILL BE IGNORED. That's pretty much any music written in the last 75 years...

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Pastor and Song Leader Having Trouble Finding Chords 
We use (among others) the Red Backed Hymnal at church. it has some great songs in it. A young lady has been taking classical music for a few years and …

Helping a Student Retain Reading Ability 
I have an eight-year-old student who is taking his fourth year of piano lessons. He has shown remarkable insight, for his age, into the theory underlying …

Writing Music on the Computer 
Hi, I'm a 12 year old homeschooled girl, and I love singing and playing piano, fiddle , and guitar. I found your site last week , and I LOVE it. I play …

Interested in these songs Not rated yet
Love your web site. I like that you show tabs and sheet music so one can learn with out knowing they are learning. I do not know if these are out …

I have a lullaby page Not rated yet
I have a lullaby page and also a you tube channel for the purpose of teaching parents and caregivers of young children lullabies. I play lullaby music …

Sheet Music Request: Great Green Gobs Of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts Not rated yet
Hey there. I was looking for sheet music for the popular camp song "great green gobs Of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts. It Is Sung To The Tune Of "The Old Gray …

Ombra mai fu - a High Song Sung by a Man Not rated yet
Hi I found it really interesting that music from this era is sung in a different key to what is written. Love to know more about why etc. Thanks Eva …

Starting a Community Music School Not rated yet
Please tell me how a person would go about starting a "music education in the community" type thing. It would be for faith based music ( any religion that …

Glenda Not rated yet
Hi just found your site looks really great look forward to using the music and getting lots of helpful hints Thanks

Thank you! Not rated yet
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness to make this resource available! I have a piano student who told me that she really wants to play Fur Elise, …

Silent Night Not rated yet
I would like the version in pin it using the chords dos mi sol. This appears to be unavailable to print. I prefer this to the piece with bemols. Thank …

Composing Gospel Music Not rated yet
I am trying to find a program that will allow me to convert lyrics into music... Dana: Hi, Lloyd, I don't write music that way, so I haven't …

Ken from Philippines Not rated yet
I really like your website. Same as you I am concerned about the prices of books and methods which not all parents can afford and is really pricey here …

Thank you! Not rated yet
I am a fairly new piano instructor and I have to say your site has saved me a lot of headaches and searching! Thank you so much for giving us this free …

Theatre Kids Who Need Help Finding a Song Not rated yet
1/8/15 At our school (which is not particularly fond of theatre) we have an informational night for incoming freshmen to learn about the different activities …

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Your hard work helped me in my college Introduction To Music class. As a 50++ student, I struggle remembering all …

I Need Help Writing a Segue for Church Hymns for Our Youth Group  Not rated yet
Belen: I was asked at church this week to write my own segue for 3 hymns for an activity our church youth group is having on November 13th. The …

Search Engine Not rated yet
Does your site have a search engine for finding particular titles? Thanks! Dana: Sorry, Leslie, no search engine, currently. But the top 6 Navigation …

How Can I Tell What Book Level a Non-English Speaking Student Is At? Not rated yet
I have a Chinese student who has very limited English as do his parents. He started with me after having studied some piano in China. Any suggestions …

Best Note Flash Cards on the Web Not rated yet
Here's a note to say that your very own student teacher was looking for note flash cards on the internet. And after perusing google images, I selected …

Song Attribution for Recital Program Not rated yet
I am having a piano recital this weekend and one of my students is playing the Snake Charmer piece from your website. I would like to give credit to you …

Music Sharing Not rated yet
Are you interested in arrangements by other teachers who do not have a personal web site on which to share? I have submitted some music to a score sharing …

Searching for Piano by Color for the Very Young or for Low Functioning Autistic Children by Pamela Ott Not rated yet
I teach music through our city parks Department and have several students who could benefit from this book/program but I am unable to find it anywhere …

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About the Author

Dana Thynes

Hi, I'm Dana!  (Say that like "Anna".)  I'm the owner of, and a newer site,

Like some of you, I've been playing the piano since early childhood, and have added a few other instruments along the way, plus an interest in arranging and composing music.

You can find out more about me and the reason for this website at my About Me page.