No stress necessary in teaching for the first time! by: Anonymous
I was also very insecure the first time I taught a piano lesson, but it is actually really easy. There are so many good materials to help a teacher that it takes the stress away from you.
I used the John Thompson books for the simple reason that I grew up on them myself. These books are great and almost self-explanatory. Once you are in and doing it, you will wonder why you were nervous at all.
Just bear in mind that children have limited attention spans, so I mix in games like "find the note on the keyboard" (a spontaneous game I made up in the lesson) or "feeling your fingers", having the child without looking, find the numbers on his fingers. Then "naming the notes" with cards. Etc. Be creative and you will have fun too.
Christmas carol lyrics from the Bible and an old-fashioned carol-like tune combine in this free Christmas song for SATB choir or a solo vocalist with guitar.