I Haven't Been Successful Finding a Teacher for My Daughter

by Ping

I live in the north suburb of Chicago. For the past two years I have been trying to get a good teacher to teach my daughter playing piano, with little success. My daughter is slightly autistic. She can play the theme song in the Disney movie "Mulan". She has never taken any piano lessons.



Hello, Ping,

It is discouraging to have to keep searching for that teacher who will have rapport with your daughter, but I am sure there is one out there! You will have to do an online search to find your state's associations which help families with learning disabilities. They will have recommendations, or can tell you where to look for teachers.

Please check out the examples of such groups, on my page called My Child Has Autism, How Do I Find a Teacher?

Obviously, your daughter has musical ability and derives pleasure from music, if she is playing movie songs by ear! Don't give up -- encourage her in this, because musical skill is a great confidence booster as well as being a reward in itself.

Good luck - remember that no one will do more for her than you, her parent, can do!


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Northwest suburban teachers
by: Anonymous

You don't say how far north in Chicago or suburbs, but try http://www.nwsmta.org/

There is a link on the left to find a teacher; I believe it will help no matter where you live as it is by zip code.

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