Book written about teaching autistics piano students

by Susan Rancer
(Piedmont, California)

My name is Susan Rancer.

I am a Music Therapist and have been working with autistics and other disabilities all of my 44 years of my career.

A few years ago, an autistic adult, Henny Kupferstein and I wrote a book entitled “Perfect Pitch in the Key of Autism”. It is based on The Rancer Method which is the method that I share in the book about how and why you do the things you do with autistics when teaching them.

This would answer most any question a music teacher or music therapist would have about teaching, which was our goal. (You can get the book on Amazon.)

The Rancer Method is not a set of books but uses books available in a music store and tells how and why to use them and gives info along the way. I get rave reviews from therapists, teachers and parents.

You may want to post this info on your page.

Susan Rancer
Music Therapist

Dana: Thank you Susan, I will.

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